Neal Ship Lap

Ship lap solid lumber wood back in cherry wood
Album: Neal 12 gun 5 drw
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Long Gun and Hand Gun Display – Sophistication meets Security
Ship lap solid lumber wood back in cherry wood
Album: Neal 12 gun 5 drw
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Our “bubble” raised panel drawer fronts, and the 3 flute flat front face frame in walnut
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Stitched Leather barrel rest sized for tall and short guns, and single and double barrels.
Album: Kelsch 12 gun
Categories: Trim & Option Details
solid wood, locking, dovetail drawer boxes with heavy steel ball bearing drawer slides.
Album: Kelsch 12 gun
Categories: Trim & Option Details
Full width, leather topped display/ work shelf provides a place to place your fine guns without risking scratches. The five locking lower drawers provide lots of storage for cleaning supplies, other smaller weapons, ammunition and other necessary stuff.
Album: Kelsch 12 gun
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Double stacked -front to back- for maximum number of guns in a given width. All of the back row guns can be accessed with the removal of only one front row weapon.
Album: Haas 25 long gun
Categories: Floor Long Gun Trim & Option Details
Clean, mission style trims in cherry wood and a clear natural finish. this locking lower door lifts out and up out of the way to access the tracked display base.
Album: Geyer 14 gun lift door
Categories: Base Unit Designs Trim & Option Details
Slide out storage behind the lower horizontal sliding rifle display. Lifting door mechanism allows easy access.
Album: Geyer 14 gun lift door
Categories: Base Unit Designs Floor Long Gun Trim & Option Details