Moore 12 Gun Split Right Side

Lock bars and ship lap wood back, leather stock and barrel rest trims.
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Long Gun and Hand Gun Display – Sophistication meets Security
Lock bars and ship lap wood back, leather stock and barrel rest trims.
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
dovetail solid wood drawer box and ball bearing steel sidemount drawer hardware
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Solid walnut, 12 guns, split angled display 66″ wide, raised panel case ends, full width leather faced pull out sheld plus more locked storage below.
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
12 long guns in a solid walnut cabinet, sized to fit into the space for a built in look. Displayed at a 15 degree split angle with a pull out leather topped work shelf.
Album: Moore 12 gun 5 drw split
Categories: Floor Long Gun
12 guns, wide rope top molding, plain flute face trim and a five drawer base. 44 wide overall trims x 81 inches tall. Raised panel top and base ends in solid cherry wood.
Album: Kelsch 12 gun
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Solid wood, laminated glass, locakble storage below and 25 long guns in a 55″ wide solid oak case.
Album: Haas 25 long gun
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Double stacked -front to back- for maximum number of guns in a given width. All of the back row guns can be accessed with the removal of only one front row weapon.
Album: Haas 25 long gun
Categories: Floor Long Gun Trim & Option Details