Wilbanks Single Rifle Wall

This wall hanging unit was designed specifically for one lever action rifle. Peg rests were positioned for a horizontal finish based on the intended display rifle.
Categories: Main Pictures Wall Long Guns
Long Gun and Hand Gun Display – Sophistication meets Security
This wall hanging unit was designed specifically for one lever action rifle. Peg rests were positioned for a horizontal finish based on the intended display rifle.
Categories: Main Pictures Wall Long Guns
One of two case we built for an individual item display for this client. Specifically designed for this sub machine gun and accessories.
Album: Horizontal Wall Long Gun Cabinets
Categories: Main Pictures
Wide rope top moldings, with rope trim, 1 inch wide detiles molding across the face and wide 3 flute stepped out face frames in this 28 gun desk unit guncabinet.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun
a fully useable desk drawer under a solid oak deck in this 28 gun guncabinet.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun
end view of this 28 long gun cabinet shows the raised panel solid oak ends.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun
Two double barrelled superposed shotguns over two Henry rifles show the attention to creating horizontal and level gun displays.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun
A dark room view with the guns illuminated by the LED touch light, 28 Long guns plus lots of secure storage.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun
The actual working office desk space also doubles as a work space for gun smithing or cleaning if desired with plenty of drawer space for tools or supplies. Above, four long guns in horizontal display are secured by Wood Loft steel backed locking security bars.
Album: reedstrom-28-long-gun-wall-desk
Categories: Floor Long Gun