Long Gun Wall Hanging Amish Crafted Cabinetry

We get numerous requests for long gun wall display Amish crafted cabinetry.
We have made specialty wall cabinets for single unique collectibles or multiple item displays. Proper lighting, security and access balanced as desired, vertical or horizontal display, and of course many personal styles of our fine furniture quality with detail suitable for any den, library or gun room.
Based on your designs, plans, and space we can help. We do not like to think that we have any standard items when talking about wall hanging long gun displays. It costs us ( and you ) no more to design each item to you needs.

1, 2 to maybe 8 or more vertical or horizontal long guns or more can be designed into a single secured unit. More when double stacked front to back.
Vertically stacked, horizontal long gun display numbers are obviously set by wall height or how tall or low you wish your collection to be displayed. Give that most long guns will consume 8″ vertically, eight is about a maximum number to plan for, six even better. Lift front displays generally are limited to 4-5 guns due to door/glass weight
Long guns displayed vertically can be as include as many guns as you wish. We want to

consider with you your planned location, so that we do not build
something you can not get into the room or up or down the stairs. Sometimes structurally we may suggest multiple units rather than one single large display, but the decisions of size and style are up to you. More commonly, vertical long gun displays sit on bases of some kind for storage and visual balance over open or closed shelving or drawers of any height, but open floor space is sometime a requirement leading to a wall hanging display.

As for security, depending on your display location and existing security environment, we can layer laminated glass framed locking doors, individual locking mounts, wood or wood clad steel group locks, Leather covered steel sheet backing and laminated glass or bulletproof polycarbonate locking sliding doors to create deterrents from minimal to extremely difficult access for you collection’s protection.
And last, style. We use solid hardwoods with design features to fit any style, from simple shaker minimalist styling, traditional mission style, or fancier, embellished trims and styles to match your decor. Common woods include most American

hardwoods such as red or white oak, cherry, maple, walnut and hickory. Many of these are now also available in knotty, rustic, wormy, spalted and other specialties. Less common or regional species such as cypress, northern knotty white pine, mahogany, teak and etc are all available to match your designs.
We have numerous existing stain choices or we can match or play off of some existing paneling or furniture. Add leather trims or panels in a wide choice of colors to spark the display and LED lighting to enhance your collection.
Custom cabinetry is what we do. Let us know how we can help.